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For Immediate Release:

Generation Hope Launches Emergency Support Program, Project Persist DMV, to Prevent College Drop Out, Announces Montgomery College As First Institutional Partner 

Washington, DC (May 18, 2020) – Nonprofit Generation Hope announced today that Montgomery College is its first institutional partner for their new higher-ed technical assistance program. Through this emergency support program, Generation Hope is providing colleges with its expert student-support services to ensure their traditionally underserved students persist and thrive through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

As college students transition to distance learning due to the novel coronavirus, marginalized populations including students of color, parenting, and first-generation students face unique challenges. These can include exacerbated financial struggles as a result of unemployment or lost hours, mental health challenges, food or housing insecurity, lack of technology or internet access to keep up with online instruction, and lack of childcare or resources for their children’s education.    

"We know that institutions — particularly community colleges — are working hard to help students, who were already navigating tremendous challenges, make it through the pandemic,” said Generation Hope Founder and CEO Nicole Lynn Lewis. “Early on, we recognized that Generation Hope could be a resource by working directly with these students. We're thrilled to partner with Montgomery College, an institution that is showing tremendous leadership and commitment during unprecedented times."

Through Project Persist DMV, Generation Hope is using its expertise from more than a decade of helping parenting college students earn their degrees to support Montgomery College students through the end of the spring semester, providing services in four areas critical to student achievement: crisis intervention, case management, mental health, and academic coaching. 

“During this time of uncertainty, due to the COVID‑19 pandemic, I am pleased that Montgomery College has expanded our relationship with Generation Hope by partnering with them to provide additional support to our students,” said Dr. Monica Brown, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs Montgomery College. “Many of our non-traditional students will benefit significantly from the one-on-one support offered by the Hope Coaches. This partnership is helping to fill the gap by providing wraparound supports for the student participants to help them navigate through uncharted waters.”

Media Contact:
Devon Haynes

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Founded in 2010, Generation Hope is a nonprofit organization in Washington, DC that surrounds motivated teen parents and their children with the mentors, emotional support, and financial resources that they need to thrive in college and kindergarten, thereby driving a two-generation solution to poverty. Fewer than 2% of teen mothers will earn their college degrees before they are 30 years old, yet Generation Hope Scholars graduate at a rate that exceeds the national average for all college students. Generation Hope engages in local and national advocacy work, amplifying the student parent voice and centering their experiences. Additionally, Generation Hope leverages its data and best practices to provide colleges with the tools, resources, and support that they need to improve outcomes for student parents.