WASHINGTON June 24, 2022 Today, Generation Hope issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court overturning federal constitutional rights to abortion. 

Today’s decision to overturn Roe V. Wade will undoubtedly have a significant impact on women and people across the country — particularly women of color and young mothers. Young mothers of color who lie at this intersection will likely experience disproportionate setbacks. This decision amplifies the many economic, social, psychological, and racial elements that impact young parents and their children. Currently, millions of young parents lack adequate resources to provide thriving and healthy lives for their children. 

Millions of young parents have limited to no access to child care, paid leave, housing and food security, and a myriad of other necessary resources that ensure young parents and their children can prosper. Fewer than 2% of teen mothers earn a college degree before age 30; fewer than 50% earn a high school diploma by the same age. Nearly 40% of the children living with young parents currently live in poverty. These realities are why measures must be taken immediately at legislative and educational levels to insulate adequate support for young families. 

As it stands, higher education institutions are not sufficiently prepared to support students who are also parenting, let alone welcome more. Without a college degree, we know that the path to economic mobility for young parents becomes even more narrow. Higher education institutions must do their part by reevaluating how they interact with young parents on their campuses and implement measures and services that truly support and uplift student parents. 

Lastly, legislators must implement policies and investments that prioritize economic mobility for parents across the country, especially young parents who’ve been disproportionately impacted by the convergence of economic crises and the pandemic. Without these policies and investments, parenting students across the country — especially teen parents — will be left to navigate impossible economic and social implications that will impact the quality of life for themselves and their children.

As we collectively process today’s decision, Generation Hope will continue our work and remain committed to ensuring all teen parents and student parents, and their children, have every opportunity to succeed and are empowered to create a better future for themselves, our community, and our world.


About Generation Hope

To ensure all student parents have the opportunities to succeed and experience economic mobility, Generation Hope engages education and policy partners to drive systemic change and provides direct support to teen parents in college as well as their children through holistic, two-generation programming. @supportgenhope


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